A somewhat crazy season with 3 births at the very beginning of the season, then nothing more until the night of June 3 when two foals were born:
Around 11:30 p.m., the first mare begins to foal. We went to the foaling box, and like its name, an “Express” foaling, in two, three pushes there it was, a superb and large Mushroom male!

We make sure everything is going well (navel disinfection, colostrum test, etc.) then we go back to monitor from home, via surveillance cameras, everything was going very well.
After a quarter of an hour, we look at the other pony, our national grandmother Wiesje (Wiwi for short), who goes to bed, gets up, goes to bed, gets up again, etc. I feel that something is wrong. It's not normal. Nothing is coming out of the vulva yet. I still decide to go and have a look, and there, while I'm calling the equine veterinary clinic, in front of me, the water breaks, one anterior arrives and, a little further on, the second, but despite the efforts of the pony, the foal does not come out.. The veterinarian tells us to call back after 10 minutes, which we do because the head is still not there, the veterinarian takes the road..
Here we go to walk the pony, while waiting for the veterinarian, 30 very long minutes..
At 00:30, the veterinarian arrives, we return to the foaling box, there Wiwi throws herself on the ground, exhausted but determined to get this foal out, who can't get out, because in fact the head was completely back... veterinarian after a few seconds (which seems like an eternity to us because during this time the contractions are going well and the pony pushes despite the tranquilizer to reduce the contractions..) finally manages to bring the head back in the right direction, but during this time it's a front part that has started again, which must be brought back in the right direction, then pulled and there....

Miracle !!
The foal, or rather the filly, is alive and well! Mom tired but healthy! We succeeded!!! Miracle !!
A night that ends after treatments around 2:30 a.m.
The next day, it's Othillia who reveals her wonder to us (and yes she found herself alone without a foal so logical, we move forward to do like the friends) who foaled a very pretty Mushroom colt as well (photo soon).
Story of a night from a breeder during foaling period.
Shetland pony SK, France.