Since October 2023, Normandy has suffered from bad weather and incessant rain. Since October, the Norman farmer's best ally has been rubber boots!
A complicated winter for our only two foals born in the fall, which did not make us want to have them again in winter. Our two mares having arrived already pregnant for these dates, we didn't really have a choice, but this reassured us in the idea that we must control the "mating" period and separating the breeding animals after the end of July is good. the best thing to do, to avoid this kind of inconvenience.
In any case, as we write these lines (May 2024) spring finally seems to be arriving and it is a real pleasure to see our two 2024 fillies Ohana SKYE and Olla SKYE frolicking with their mothers in meadows rested by the winter, with grass and mild temperatures.

Curiosinia on the left, then Ohana SKYE by Dinand vd Menger (kept at breeding), Olla SKYE by Kel Star du Centaure (available for sale) and Gronkjaers Sweet Summer.
4 foals are still expected at the breeder, we will keep you informed as they are born.