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Buyers information

Comparisons of acquisitions of a Shetland pony from breeding and a "cheap" pony.

Acquiring a pony

How long does a mare carry her foal, when can I acquire it?
The gestation period in Shetland is eleven months like a horse. Most of the time, foals are born boxed and are quickly integrated into the herd. The foaling period begins in March/April. Foals learn from day one to behave with other ponies and people. Through the daily handling of foals, they learn respect and good manners towards people. This is an important basis for their development. Foals stay with the mother until they are six months old and are weaned afterwards. After that, all offspring with young animals gather on a pasture, where they continue to learn social behavior.
What can I do with a pony?
This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions. The Shetland pony is very sociable and friendly. With its size the ideal partner for young and old. It is primarily used as a beginner pony for children. But there is also something for us adults. A pony, despite its size, is one of the strongest horse breeds in the world and can pull twice its body weight. Thus, a pony can pull two adults on its own! It is, so to speak, an ideal "pet" for the whole family. Whether on a walk or a jog, the Shetty eagerly accompanies its owner at every turn. Because they learn very quickly, they are the ideal partner for circus lessons. Without forgetting the great therapeutic potential. They not only promote the development and personality of a toddler, but are also an excellent partner in any type of therapy and are even already trained as blind pony guides.
How to house your Shetland pony?
As this is a hardy breed, year-round grazing is recommended. A shelter is also possible, despite their small size they need their daily walk. A small shelter is enough to protect against the strong midday sun. Ponies are herding animals and need at least one small mate. They need daily access to fresh water. A salt lick should also be available for free removal. Hay can be fed in summer/winter if needed.
How much does the world's smallest horse really cost?
As with horses, prices also vary between mini phones. It doesn't just depend on the sex, color, lineage, size or success of each pony. With the greatest care, you choose a suitable stallion for the chosen broodmare. The parent animals were presented and evaluated at an international association. The costs arise before the birth. Then, regular deworming and hoof care, as well as an electronic chip and breeding papers are the key words in quality breeding. Expect between €1,500-15,000 for such a pony. Cheap ponies are not recommended and caution is in order! Most of these ponies are sick and unwormed and even have resistant worm species that can then be introduced and infect the entire herd. Sometimes it can even lead to death. Above all, it is important that the descent can be traced over several generations and that it is not a "pony mix". Therefore, it is recommended to buy manageable breeding ponies, where you can also watch parents and siblings.
Where is the Shetland SK breeding located?
Stud Shetland SK is located in the heart of the Pays d'Auge, in Normandy, France.
Surrounded by beautiful nature in a protected area, our ponies can be well cared for and enjoy their lives with ease. If you don't live just around the corner, holiday deals are available everywhere on Air BnB, Gites de France etc.
Where can I get more information about Shetland SK ponies?
You can contact us via the form below or +33 684 345 587. You are welcome to visit my ponies interested in purchasing by appointment. Otherwise, there is also the annual "Open Pasture Day" during the Equidays, where everyone is welcome.
How are ponies bred in Shetland SK?

Our ponies are in daily contact with people and are well educated. You don't have bad habits. The hay is mown in our own meadows in the summer, dried and then processed into small bundles for the winter.


The ponies are regularly wormed with various preparations to prevent resistance. For this I have a special deworming plan from the institute. On all pastures are the animals a salt lick of high-quality Carpathian salt at leisure. It forms the basis of health and fertility and supports the state of health and fitness.


The so-called "luxury consumption" that the ponies use only at the beginning, if this has long been undersupplied and suffered from a lack of salt. In addition, they also receive an additional high-quality mineral supplement, especially with the trace element. According to available, which is extremely important for stallions, as well as for broodmares and their foals. Especially during gestation, broodmares should be optimally supplied with the important minerals in order to best avoid birth complications.


The breeder is the only person who participates in the breeding, promotion, and preservation of the breed as you have met and loved it. 

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